Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Color Throwdown #285...

Happy Spring extended winter to one and all! Here in Alberta, it is snowing today....and it's not supposed to let up until tomorrow! YAY FOR SPRING!

But, the weather makes it a perfect day to bury myself in my craft room and listen to some tunes! I went on the hunt for a challenge to complete and found the color challenge over at Color Throw Down....knew right away what kind of card I wanted to make! Combined with a sketch I found on Pinterest, here is my card!

YAY! I created something finally! LOL! Off to make something else :)

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Dropped off the face of the Earth, AGAIN!

Hello all....I'm still here. The last six weeks or so have been something else, let me tell ya! Mister D has started a new job, and his apprenticeship has come to an end. The place he was working started to run out of work in a big way, paycheques were bouncing, equipment was being sold and he had to jump ship. He is now back to driving, but locally....what a change for us! It has take some time getting used to having him around every day.....and I LOVE it :)

I finally got some answers to the abdominal pain I have been having for quite awhile, when I started to see a lump protruding from my belly button. Turns out, this girl had not one, but TWO hernias and needed to have them surgically repaired........and then, in true me fashion, (can never do things the easy way!) I had a pretty nasty post-op infection as well. Took 4 different antibiotics before they found one that worked, and stopped it from spreading. It's finally nearly gone away now and I am finally on the mend, but it's been a long process!

I hope to get back to work next week, but I see the surgeon for a follow up on Monday and we will go from there. I am getting bored sitting at home though, daytime TV does NOTHING for me. About the only thing I enjoy watching is Ellen. Or those renovation shows. The last couple of days I have felt WAY better, so I know I am on the mend.

My son is going through a weird phase and I don't know how to help him. He is very unmotivated and think life sucks right now. His hours have been cut where he was working, and he doesn't even make enough to pay his rent and bills now, never mind save for his car. He is depressed that he doesn't have a car yet and wants to get a "REAL" job but most of them require a non restricted class 5 license and reliable vehicle. (He is still on his GDL for awhile...) Our vehicles are both 5 speeds and he doesn't know how to drive them......but won't come around enough that I can show him. He is just down in the dumps. I'm trying to gently nudge him and offer advice but he doesn't really want to hear it right now. It's hard! How do you motivate a 19 year old young man and get him through this "FUNK"? Feel free to leave me some advice if you have any...

Anyway, I am off to enjoy my tea, play some Royal Story and head into my craft room........with any luck I will have something to show off in a couple of hours :)

Over and out......for now!

~*~The Broad who wants to blog......about EVERYTHING~*~

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

American Idol Review......Top 13

I am an Idol fanatic. I love to watch the show, review the show, make my predictions and follow the performers through their journey. But this year......I am confused. I don't understand why they are Fast Tracking it the way they are! Because of all the weird changes this year I have decided to start at this point...

Must start with Keith. The judges. I am a HUGE fan of Keith. This lineup. Errrr.....well, Keith anyway. I've said it before so sorry if I sound redundant, but J.Lo is just TOO nice. There is no fireworks or drama. Just unicorns fluffing rainbows. And albeit, we all enjoy a good warm fuzzy.....Rainbow Fluffing Unicorns = BORING. Mr. Connick Jr. brings a little sass.....a few laughs.....but mostly just something pretty to look at. (Though the fact that some people have no idea who he is cracks me up....

I know that I am a few episodes behind, (I will explain why later!) but I am just bout to hit play on my PVR and reveal the top 13. Along with my opinions. And predictions. We shall see.

So, without further ado.........THIS is One Broad's Blog..........and THIS is her Idol review.

Majesty Rose
Caleb Johnson
Kristen O'Conner
C.J. Harris
Briana Oakley
Emmanual Zidor
Jena Irene
Sam Woolf
Bria Anai
George Lovett
Marrialle Sellars
Dexter Roberts
Jessica Meuse
Alex Preston
Emily Piriz
Malcolm Allen
MK Nobilette
Ben Briley
Malaya Watson
Spencer Lloyd....

have made the top 20. And now we will see who America has put through to the top 10.

Top 5 Girls...
Malaya Watson
Emily Piriz
Jessica Meuse
Majesty Rose
MK Nobilette

Top 5 Guys...
Ben Briley
Alex Preston
Dexter Roberts
Caleb Johnson
Sam Woolf

Good choices. I am glad to see that mister "OK singer, but has the look" is not there. That really got my blood boiling when I heard the judges say that about Spencer Lloyd. This is American IDOL. Not America's next top model....and I for one am an unhappy Idol fan that he has come this far, based on his looks.

*RANT OVER* (for now)

I think my number one top pick so far is Jessica Meuse. But I am also a fan of Alex Preston, Dexter Roberts & Caleb Johnson. I am all about the rockers this year :) But lets see if anyone changes my mind!

Let's get on with the first performance of the night! The judges now have 3 wild cards to put through, rounding off the top 13.

First up is...

C.J. Harris...
Meh. Lots of flat, lots of sharp, little to no emotion. Clearly America loves him though.....but if it were up to me, I would say Farewell C.J.

Next up to sing...

Jena Irene...
The sudden start of waving hands in the background made me laugh. But wow, she is awesome tonight! Great song choice, lots of big notes......hope she goes through after that! Nice sing Jena, not Jenna!

Third to perform tonight...

Spencer Lloyd. Boo. Hiss. Fast forward. Next...

Bria Anai...
And she sings the most over-sung song of the show.....I swear we hear this song at least once every single season. And she does NOT sing it well. Way to big for her. I say No to Bria. Seriously, my cat meowed at her last note. That can't be good.

Final singer tonight, singing for their life...

Kristen O'Conner...
A little rough around the edges, but at least she brought something. I like her voice but I don't think this was the right song...we shall see.

Of the choices, I would put the Jena, Kristen & C.J. PLEASE don't put Spencer through judges...I will not watch the rest of the season if you do.

Yahoooooo! They listened ;) Loved the little "K.O." joke by Harry. See.....funny.

Over and out for this episode, sorry it was so long......but it's my blog and I'll blab if I want to ;)


~*~The Broad who wants to Blog, about EVERYTHING!~*~


You're welcome :)